Authenticating the Spotify Add‑on for Splunk Modular Input with the Spotify API 1/2

I. Create an app in the Spotify developer portal:

  1. Go to your Spotify Developer Dashboard. Log in if necessary.
  2. Click Create Client ID in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Fill in the form as follows:
    • App or Hardware Name: Splunk Modular Input
    • App or Hardware Description: This app manages access for Splunk to the Spotify API.
    • What are you building: Select Website
  4. State that you are not developing a commercial integration.
  5. Accept to understand all disclaimers and click Submit.

II. Configure your Spotify app:

  1. Click Edit Settings in the top right-hand corner.
  2. In the section Redirect URI, fill in
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the modal and click Save.

III.Grant your app permission to access your data:

  1. Copy the Client ID of your Spotify app from the Spotify Developer Dashboard to your clipboard.
  2. Paste the Client ID in the form below.
  3. Click the Authorize and Continue Button to get redirected to Spotify.
  4. Grant your app the requested permissions and click Accept.

IV. Generate Authorization Code:

Authenticating the Spotify Add‑on for Splunk Modular Input with the Spotify API 2/2

V. Create a Modular Input stanza for the Spotify add-on for Splunk in your Splunk environment:

  1. On your Splunk Web GUI, click on Settings -> Data Inputs and select Spotify from the list of Local Inputs.
  2. Click New in the top righ-hand corner.
  3. Fill in the form as follows:
    • Name: whatever you want to call this input stanza (e.g. your Spotify username)
    • Client ID & Client Secret: Copy from your Spotify Developer Dashboard.
    • Redirect URI:
    • Authorization Code:
    • Click the More Settings button if you wish to adjust the Interval, Index, etc.

VI. Explore your Spotify listening history in Splunk: